Registration number: 40103468039
- Details
- Highlights
- Company
800 - 5000
Additional information: Atalgojums pārbaudes laikā 800 EUR/neto mēnesī + bonusi //Pēc pārbaudes laika iespēju pelnīt bez ierobežojumiem - atalgojums atkarīgs no paša ieguldītā darba //Veselības apdrošināšana ar iekļautu sporta zāles kompensāciju līdz 50%
- Rīga, Latvia
Gustava Zemgala gatve 74A
Time of work
- Full-time
- English
- Latvian
- Russian
Contact person
Personāla daļa
Personāla daļa
Privātais mežs is a highly valued partner for many landowners and investors in the market. Each year more than 15 million € worth of forest, agricultural land and real estate finds it's new owner with the highest price on the market. Our moto is that even the most complicated situations are solvable and a company can only be as successful as its team. Now it's your chance, cause we're HIRING!
Registration number: 40103468039
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