Reģistrācijas numurs: 40103845364
- Apraksts
- Pamatinformācija
- Uzņēmums
2000 - 2250
Papildu informācija: Variable compensation depending on your and company performance
Atrašanās vieta
- Rīga, Latvija
Darba veids
- Pilna slodze
- Angļu
Aleksejs Kolpakovs
Aleksejs Kolpakovs
CatchBox is the worlds first throwable microphone. We are a young and ambitious hardware
company with an ambition to change the way audiences engage. We have offices in Finland,
Latvia and USA. So far we have sold products across the world to companies such as Google,
General Electric, AirBnB, MIT, Apple, Toyota, Micros oft, Facebook, eBay, - you name it!
Reģistrācijas numurs: 40103845364
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