MSC Shared Service Center Riga SIA
Paid Internship in Commercial Documentation
MSC Shared Service Center Riga SIA
MSC Shared Service Center Riga SIA

Paid Internship in Commercial Documentation

MSC Shared Service Center Riga SIA

Mēneša bruto algaBruto mēnesī  € 650

Papildu informācija: 450 eur/net

Atrašanās vieta

    Rīga, Latvija
    Uriekstes iela 2A

Darba veids

  • Prakse
  • Pilna slodze
MSC Shared Service Center Riga SIA
MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company is a world leader in global container transportation, and a key market player in Latvia. The MSC Family consists of more than 200.000 family members, present in 155 countries.The sense of family reflects the way we build, develop and harness positive relationships with our customers. We strongly believe that dedicated personnel resources are the key to our commercial success.Our MSC Shared Service Center Riga Ltd. provides professional remote business support to many of our offices worldwide. Working for us will give you the opportunity to work directly with international trade in various positions, in an industry that is constantly evolving.

Uzņēmuma mājaslapahttps://www.msc.com/

Reģistrācijas numurs40103730828

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