Tech Mahindra Latvia
Trainer - Danish
Tech Mahindra Latvia
Tech Mahindra Latvia

Trainer - Danish

Tech Mahindra Latvia


  • Plan, develop and facilitate internal training for new and existing personnel.
  • Provide support to the training manager in establishing, measuring, and monitoring key training metrics.
  • Monitor progress of trainees and coach for improvement. Provide clear and concise assessments of trainee's progress and overall performance during training.
  • Provide constructive coaching and feedback to Associates
  • Training effectively and efficiently.
  • Design and evaluate training and performance interventions (pre and post training assessment)
  • Identify performance gaps, causes of performance gaps and provide solutions to the training and production teams.
  • Actively monitor calls by listening to the agents calls (Recorded / live) and share required feedback.
  • Maintain familiarity with standard operating procedures and have a thorough understanding of operations and the quality assurance process.
  • To be updated on all process related information for training purposes and available to take calls to keep in touch with Operations
  • Publish daily / weekly / monthly reports to stakeholders
  • Maintain historical data for the associates trained

Darba pienākumi:

  • Plānot, uzlabot iekšējās apmācības esošajiem un jaunajiem darbiniekiem
  • Informēt Apmācību vadītāju par galvenajiem apmācību rādītājiem un to uzraudzību
  • Pārraudzīt apmācāmo progresu un palīdzēt to uzlabot. Sniegt skaidru vērtējumu par apmācāmo progresu un kopējo sniegumu apmācību laikā
  • Sniegt konstruktīvu apmācību un atgriezenisko saikni atbilstošajiem darbiniekiem
  • Sniegt efektīvas un produktīvas apmācības
  • Izstrādāt apmācību novērtēšanu pirms un pēc apmācībām
  • Identificēt apmācību trūkumus, snieguma trūkumus un sniegt risinājumus apmācību un klientu apkalpošanas komandām
  • Monitorēt klientu apkalpošanas darbinieku zvanus (ierakstītos/tiešos) un sniegt vērtējumu
  • Pārzināt standarta klientu apkalpošanas procedūras un padziļināt izpratni par veicamajām darbībām un kvalitātes nodoršināšanas procesu
  • Būt informētām par visiem apmācību procesiem un atbildēt uz zvaniem
  • Sagatavot ikdienas, iknedēļas un ikmēneša atskaites ieinteresētājām personām
  • Saglabāt veikto apmācību datus

Preferred Competencies

  • Near native (interpreted as CEFR level C1) or native relevant market language and fluent English skills (B2+ or better) in writing and speaking to understand documentation and log accurately in the client systems
  • 2+ Years experience as trainer in customer service environment
  • At least 1 year of working experience in a fintech, banking or a related field is required for this position
  • Capable to work flexibly in a team environment, driven by the motto that Together Everyone Achieves More
  • Experience in handling a portfolio with customer services programs (experience with Retail programs is an advantage)
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Must possess good presentation skills
  • Excellent Organizational and planning skills
  • Good understanding of Group Dynamics (diversity)
  • Experience in MSOffice applications like Word/Excel/PowerPoint
  • Analytic and Results Oriented
  • Strong experience in presentation skills
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Experience in Customer Support/Customer Relationship/Customer Service


  • Dzimtā valoda vai C1 līmenis atbilstošajai klientu apkalpošanas valodai tirgū
  • Angļu valodas zināšanās labā runātprasmes un rakstītprasmes līmenī
  • Vismaz 2 gadu darba pieredze klientu apkalpošanas darbinieku apmācībās
  • Vismaz 1 gada darba pieredze Fintech, banku vai ar to saistītā jomā
  • Spēja elastīgi strādāt vidē, kur galvenais moto ir Kopā Katrs Sasniedz Vairāk
  • Pieredze darbā ar dažādām klientu apkalpošanas sistēmām
  • Lieliskas mutiskās un rakstītprasmes
  • Teicamas prezentācijas prasmes
  • Teicamas organizatoriskās un plānošanas prasmes
  • Laba izpratne par grupas dinamiku (dažādību)
  • Pieredze MS Office Word, Excel, PowePoint
  • Analītiskā domāšana un uz rezultātu orientēta personība
  • Prezentēšanas prasmes
  • Teicamas komunikācijas prasmes
  • Pieredze Klientu atbalstīšanā/klientu attiecībās/klientu apkalpošanā

Employee Benefits- We've got you covered!

  • Premium Medical Insurance: Enjoy comprehensive coverage for you and your family (spouse and dependents) including routine health checks, dental, vision, prescription drugs, mental health support and much more.
  • OVP (Compulsory Health Examination): Full coverage.
  • Development Opportunities: Advance your skills with DEXT, our educational platform offering 5000+ free courses, practice platforms and certifications, especially in cutting-edge technologies.
  • Attractive compensation and allowances- Basis role and experience.
  • Annual Leave 4 calendar weeks of paid leave according to LV labor law
  • Work Culture and Environment: Thrive in a dynamic and enjoyable workplace enriched with regular celebrations, wellness activities, and great team spirit.

Darbinieka labumi:

  • Premium klases medicīniskā apdrošināšana (veselības pārbaudes, zobārstniecība, redzes pārbaudes, medikamentu receptes, garīgās veselības atbalsts u.c.) darbiniekam un viņa ģimenei no pirmās darba dienas
  • OVP (obligātās veselības pārbaude) pilnīgs segums
  • Iespēja attīstīt savas zināšanas, izmantojot DEXT izglītības platformu, kura piedāvā vairāk nekā 5000+ bezmaksas kursus
  • ikgadējais apmaksātais atvaļinājums 4 kalendārās nedēļas saskaņā ar Darba likumu
  • Saistošu atalgojumu un bonusu sistēmu
  • Iespēju strādāt un augt dimaniskā un patīkamā darba vidē ar regulāriem korporatīvajiem pasākumiem, labsajūtas aktivitātēm un lielisku komandas garu

Please note that the successful candidate will be subject to a background check as this role involves the processing of confidential information belonging to Tech Mahindra clients and this role is directly related to the provision of financial services. Candidates must not have been convicted of committing an intentional criminal offense against the State, property, or governance procedures, of committing an intentional criminal offense in the national economy or while in service in a governmental authority, or of committing a terrorism-related criminal offense unless criminal record thereon has been extinguished or set aside. Furthermore, candidates must not have any defaults on payment obligations towards Tech Mahindra clients to whom the services will be provided. Further information on how Tech Mahindra processes candidates data is available: https://www.techmahindra.com/en-in/privacy-policy/

Lūdzu ņemt vērā, ka kandidātam, kurš tiks atlasīts konkrētajam amatam, tiks veikta iepriekšējās darbības pārbaude, jo šī loma ir saistīta ar Tech Mahindra klientiem piederošās konfidenciālās informācijas apstrādi un šis amats ir saistīts ar finanšu pakalpojumu sniegšanu.
Kandidāts nedrīkst būt tiesāts par tīša nozieguma izdarīšanu pret valsti, valsts iestādēm vai saistībā ar terorismu. Tāpat nedrīkst būt neizpildītas maksājumu saistības pret Tech Mahindra klientiem, kuriem tiks sniegti pakalpojumi.
Informācija par kandidātu datu apstrādi pieejama:
Mēneša bruto algaBruto mēnesī  € 1800 - 2000

Atrašanās vieta

    Rīga, Latvija
    Gustava Zemgala gatve 76, ēka "Valters", Jaunā Teika

Darba veids

  • Pilna slodze


 Problem solving Customer Service


  •  Dāņu
Micael Pereira
Tech Mahindra represents the connected world, offering innovative and customer-centric information technology experiences. We #Rise together to create sustainable businesses that can bring about lasting change in our communities to create an equal world, to be future ready, and to create value. We are a USD 6.5 billion company with 146,000+ professionals across 90 countries, helping 1250 global customers including Fortune 500 companies.
We are focused on leveraging next-generation technologies including 5G, blockchain, metaverse, quantum computing, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and more, to enable end-to-end digital transformation for global customers.
We are certified as a Great Place to Work for by the Great Place to Work® Institute, included in the Bloomberg 2023 Gender-Equality Index for the fourth year in a row, and have been recognized as the only Indian IT company to make it to Dow Jones Sustainability Indices 2023, part of the DJSI World Index for the 9th consecutive year.
We are part of the Mahindra Group, founded in 1945, which is the most admired multinational federation of companies with 260,000+ employees in over 100 countries, known for its leadership in various industries including farm equipment, utility vehicles, IT, and financial services in India and is the worlds largest tractor company by volume. It also has a strong presence in renewable energy, agriculture, logistics, hospitality, and real estate. The group's focus is on leading ESG globally, enabling rural prosperity and enhancing urban living, and driving positive change in the lives of communities and stakeholders.
With the NXT.NOWTM framework, we aim to enhance human-centric experiences for our ecosystem and drive collaborative disruption with synergies arising from a robust portfolio of companies. We aim at delivering tomorrows experiences today and believe that the Future is Now.

Uzņēmuma mājaslapahttp://www.techmahindra.com

Reģistrācijas numursLV40203552317

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