Balcia Insurance SE
Claims Handling and Innovation Lead (Group level)
Balcia Insurance SE
Balcia Insurance SE

Claims Handling and Innovation Lead (Group level)

Balcia Insurance SE

Mēneša bruto algaBruto mēnesī  € 3500 - 5000

Atrašanās vieta

    Rīga, Latvija

Darba veids

  • Pilna slodze


  •  Angļu
  •  Latviešu
Jānis Lucaus
Balcia Insurance SE is a tech-driven insurance company with Latvian roots, causing waves in industry with our fresh approach. Our secret? Placing people's lifestyles at the heart of our products and leveraging the power of automation. The result is an insurance experience that's as hassle-free as it gets. No need to buy and cancel policies anymore - just a simple, convenient subscription service that smoothly integrates insurance into your everyday life. Today, we are sprinkled across Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, France, Germany, Italy, and Estonia. We're all over the place, and we're just getting started. We are on a mission to redefine the way you think about insurance.

Uzņēmuma mājaslapahttps://join.balcia.com

Reģistrācijas numurs40003159840

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