Reģistrācijas numurs: 40103904244
- Apraksts
- Pamatinformācija
- Uzņēmums
- Daily interaction with our customers over the phone
- Address customer concerns and requests across all communication channels
- To provide accurate and insightful guidance to customers
- Provide a detailed information about our products and services
- Process customer orders and fulfill requests
- Maintain a polite, helpful, and professional
- Passion to customer service
- 1+ year of experience in a similar customer service role or related field
- Fluent English and proficiency in Norwegian
- Attention to details and solid problem-solving ability
- Empathy and active listening skills
- Good computer skills
What we offer:
- Premium health insurance
- Flexible benefits such as - extra holidays or paid GYM
- Paid certification and education
- Employee Purchase Program
- Extra days off for special occasions
- Mental health support program
- Fruits (and ice cream during summer), and refreshments in the office
- Family-friendly workplace
- Celebrations of employee's important life moments
- Cooperative team outings, such as Paintball, Go carts, PS5 game nights, table football tournament etc.
- Collaborative experiences that are a blast, featuring pancake art competitions, waffle iron battles, Friday slice day, and more!
- Corporate events
Trodo was founded in Norway in 2013 by two young IT enthusiasts (and brothers) and an experienced rally and car maintenance veteran.
1600 - 2000
Atrašanās vieta
- Mārupe, Mārupes novads, Latvija
Darba veids
- Pilna slodze
- Angļu
- Norvēģu
Trodo was founded in Norway in 2013 by two young IT enthusiasts (and brothers) and an experienced rally and car maintenance veteran. The synergy of their combined 100 years of life experience laid the foundation for an automotive e-commerce startup that has helped set the standards for the automotive e-commerce market in Europe. Trodo continues to grow by offering online services that prioritize a positive user experience, hoping that anyone who uses Trodo's services for the first time will become a dedicated repeat customer.
Reģistrācijas numurs: 40103904244
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