CV-Online Recruitment
Release and Transition Manager
CV-Online Recruitment
CV-Online Recruitment

Release and Transition Manager

CV-Online Recruitment

Sludinājums latviešu valodā: https://cv.lv/lv/vacancy/1323677/
Mēneša bruto algaBruto mēnesī  € 3000 - 4600

Papildu informācija: The salary depends on candidate qualifications.

Atrašanās vieta

    Rīga, Latvija
    2A Street Perses
  • Attālināta darba iespējas

Darba veids

  • Pilna slodze
  • Elastīgs darba laiks
Edmunds Murans, CV-Online Recruitment senior recruitment project manager
Walldorf Consulting is an international SAP product development and implementation company specializing in SAP financial solutions, with offices in the United States, Singapore, Latvia, and headquarters in Germany. Our motto is: strategy development process optimization guaranteed result.

The company is part of the TIMETOACT GROUP. At one part of our group about 230 creative minds have been successfully designing digital workplaces for our renowned customers who range from medium-sized companies to enterprise-sized multinationals, for many years. At a total of 10 locations in Germany and Switzerland, we consult, draft strategies, and implement exciting IT projects, innovative intranets, portals and identify business intelligence opportunities in addition to productivity optimizing workplace solutions. Every member of our team is a specialist and together we are a strong team which pursues our clients goals with a lot of ambition, motivation, and enthusiasm.

Uzņēmuma mājaslapahttps://walldorf.consulting/en

Reģistrācijas numursLV-40003480317

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