Marketing Manager - Latvia
Eleving Group
Marketing Manager - Latvia
Eleving Group
Marketing Manager - Latvia
Eleving Group

Marketing Manager - Latvia

Eleving Group

Брутто-зарплата в месяцБрутто/мес.  € 2200 - 3000

Место работы

    Rīga, Латвия
    Skanstes street 52

Тип работы

  • Полный рабочий день
  • Гибкий график
Контактное лицо
Dace Ritova
Eleving Group is where you can be yourself
We do things our way we call it Eleway it means with a startup culture and corporate performance, were mature yet fun. We are open, honest, and human. Yes, we are hungry for success and dedicated to work, but we also know how to celebrate our victories and enjoy the rewarding moments.
We believe each of us has a business-owner mindset, and we learn and grow fast as individuals and as a company within the first year from founding in Latvia, we expanded to all the Baltics and kept growing in the following years, and now we have a talented team of 2600 professionals in three continents.
Yes, we truly are international it means you can start your career path in Latvia and end up in any other of the 16 countries we operate in. Our team is diverse; we are inclusive, accepting, and respectful towards each other. Our diversity gives an opportunity to learn from one another and grow together as a strong team. Join us - you'll love working in a collaborative and non-bureaucratic environment that is fun yet stable and sustainable.

Вебсайт компанииhttp://www.eleving.com

Регистрационный номер50103541751

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