Регистрационный номер: 40203407223
- Подробности
- Основная информация
- Компания
Senior System Administrator (Active Directory)
Experience, knowledge & skills
- Education in IT, or comparable professional experience of 4+ years
- Extensive experience in designing and implementing Active Directory and Identity Management services in MS Azure
- Career track record of engineering, developing, deploying, and maintaining business-critical systems
- In-depth knowledge of Active Directory and associated components
- Good understanding of ITIL-based processes
- Ability to troubleshoot complex problems and translate technical issues into understandable business language for end users
- You are proactive and can effectively communicate with colleagues and stakeholders of various levels
- You have excellent English
What you will be doing
- Implement Active Directory and Identity Management services both on-premises and in the cloud (Azure) and will ensure the integrity of the environment
- Operate the AD (including policy objects, certificate services, DNS, DHCP, etc.), monitor health and security, monitor and ensure compliance
- Participate in disaster recovery plans and practice recovery operations
- Create and maintain system documentation
- Make improvements by automating manual tasks that can be automated
- Cooperate with your team members and other teams when necessary
- Ensure that IT Services are delivered effectively to business customers
What we will bring from our side
- We understand that a great work-life balance is important, that`s why we offer hybrid work opportunities and flexible hours
- We want you to be well-treated and feel special on your Birthday you can take a day off on your birthday to spend it with your family or friends
- We value you and your well-being, and that`s why we offer a great benefits package from Day 1 health insurance, cell phone plan coverage, additional time off
- Whenever you are in the office, you can enjoy the modern environment. Also, if you want to clear your head, you don't have to go far there is a fantastic view from our terrace
2800 - 4400
Место работы
- Rīga, Латвия
Krišjāņa Valdemāra 62
Тип работы
- Полный рабочий день
- Гибкий график
- Английский
Контактное лицо
Līga Riekstiņa
Līga Riekstiņa
Eurofins Genomics ir globāli pazīstams ar savām inovatīvajām un pielāgotajām tehnoloģijām dzīvības zinātņu nozarēs un akadēmiskajā pētniecībā. Mēs esam starptautisks genomikas pakalpojumu sniedzējs ar pamatdarbības līnijām, kas ietver nākamās paaudzes sekvencēšanu, genotipēšanu, gēnu ekspresijas analīzi, Sanger sekvencēšanu, oligonukleotīdu un gēnu sintēzi.
Kultūra un attieksme
- Mēs rūpējamies, lai darbs tiktu veikts vislabākajā iespējamajā veidā, nezaudējot kvalitāti.
- Esam tieši, bet pieklājīgi.
- Mēs iedrošinām norādīt uz nepilnībām un trūkumiem un piedāvāt iespējamos risinājumus.
- Pieņemam izaicinājumus, pieņemam pārdomātus lēmumus un mācāmies no kļūdām.
- Cienām viens otru un komunicējam ar cieņu, dodot iespēju ikvienam izteikties.
Paplašinoties meklējam jaunus kolēģus arī mūsu Latvijas Delivery Centrā!
Eurofins Genomics is globally known for its innovative and customized technologies in the life science industries and academic research. We are an international provider of genomic services around the core business lines of next-generation sequencing, genotyping, gene expression analysis, Sanger sequencing, oligonucleotide, and gene synthesis.
Culture and Attitude
- We care to do the best job possible without compromising the quality
- We are direct but polite
- We are encouraging pointing out the flaws and missing pieces and suggesting potential solutions
- We embrace challenges, make weighted decisions, and learn from mistakes
- We respect each other and communicate respectfully give a chance for everyone to be heard.
Регистрационный номер: 40203407223
Похожие объявления о вакансиях
IT administrators un arhitekts/-e
IT risinājumu inženieris/-e
System Administrator